Wednesday 11 November 2009

It's a big day today...

The blog has had a revamp, as you can clearly real reason; just time for a change and a splash more colour. Hope you like it!

And, more importantly - big news...(drum roll please)...the oven is being fixed today!!! Many aborted attempts later, I am finally booked in to have the electrician come and repair the broken fan at lunchtime today. Oh, that he shows up and can reunite me with the world of baked goods...

And if he does, in fact, manage to repair the evil oven, my baking list to be completed is as follows:

Nigella's Butterscotch Banana muffins
Earl grey tea biscuits
Plum and apple cake
Lasange made with the leftover slow-roasted pork from dinner the other night

Watch this space...!


  1. Fingers crossed! Let us know if he makes it...

    Those Earl Grey tea biscuits sound intriguing.

    New background looks great.

  2. Thanks! No sign of said oven-repair-person yet...he's 50 mins late so far...
