Friday 2 July 2010


It is summer. I am hot. I do not feel like cooking. I also do not much feel like blogging about the fact that I have not been cooking. But - but, dear reader(s) - I am off to Greece tomorrow and me and my tastebuds are very excited! I will not take my wee laptop but my lovely Mum has hers with her and I promise to faithfully recount all of the (hopefully) delicious meals that we eat! If computers fail me, I will take many notes and catch up upon my return.

Bring on the ouzo and olive oil!!



  1. Can't wait to hear about it all in EXCRUCIATING detail!! Have a great trip!

  2. Come back PLEASE!!! I'll share my chocolate fondant (gooey choc puds) recipe :-)

  3. The northern summer can't be that good, surely?

  4. Haha, no, the northern summer isn't that great (ok, but definitely not great!). I'm decidedly apathetic about blog at the moment though, and have had people visiting for most of the summer. I will consider a return but I really haven't made anything interesting of late! :-(
