Tuesday 12 February 2013

Hello gorgeous...

Progress! Finally finally we are moving forwards! We now have an installed and completely operational oven! And look how utterly gorgeous it is...

The picture does it no justice at all, but surely you have now come to expect dreadful pictures from me

Oh the baking fun we will have, this oven and I. I truly love it. It's a thing of total beauty - so much so it seems a shame to soil it with actual cooking and grease. I spent much of last night caressing it and at one point gave it a cuddle. I want it to stay shiny and new forever. But as gorgeous as it is (why do I keep saying 'it'? I've named her Josephine...she'll come, in time, to be Ol' Jo), it's once I start cooking that she's really going to come into her own.

I had thought that the very second she was installed, that I'd start cooking with a vengeance, but actually that's not at all practical. We still have no bench or sink and the cupboards aren't yet finished or attached to the walls. So really, any kind of cooking would involve making a giant mess in an already stupidly messy room (it currently looks a bit like what I imagine the inside my head to look like) and that's more of a pain than anything. Josephine will have to be content with heating Waitrose prepared foods for another week I think, but that's ok. It's still progress. And after all this time, any step forward is one I'm not going to sniff at! 


  1. Oh Jess, she's truly a thing of beauty!! I love that you've already named her to, hehe. A sign of a good working relationship. I want to come and play too!

  2. I think Jo and I are going to be great friends! :-) I would love for you to come and play too! She'll be around for a while I reckon, so there's always a chance! :-)
