Saturday 6 February 2010

Nigella would be proud...

Well, it's another grey, miserable Saturday here, and I've spent almost the entire day watching Gilmore Girls on DVD (well, that and helping Andrew change the rear suspension springs on our car but, to be fair, my assistance in that regard was limited to cranking the various jacks up and down). Late in the afternoon I got a yen to bake and the results are possibly the least healthy banana muffins ever. They started out as Nigella's butterscotch banana muffins, but half-way through the mixing process, a tiny voice in my head thought 'why limit myself to just adding chunks of butterscotch fudge'? I blame Gilmore Girls - all my bad food decisions stem from watching that show.

So, what I've ended up with are banana, butterscotch, white chocolate and marshmallow muffins. They're practically a coronary in a bun, but I think Nigella (with her love of all foodie things kitschy and tacky) would be seriously proud!