Thursday 25 February 2010

An ode to the freezer

Something very unusual has happened in my kitchen. The fridge is barren and the cupboards are bare...a highly unprecedented event! I'm a pretty organised shopper (thanks to years of training from my lovely Mum who has an entire second pantry designed to provide back-up supplies should the first line of food defence fall!) but somehow this week the groceries just haven't gotten done. As a result, we have no rice, no pasta, no potatoes and no onions...can you imagine?! These are the start of virtually every meal I might want to make - you must have starch (this is definitely NOT a no-carb household!) and there must be some kind of allum to start things off. If I'm honest, I should have made the effort to go to the shops tonight but it was wet and cold and I had to let some builders into the flat so, well, here we are. And while the temptation of take-out was very strong, I have resisted that urge and instead raided the freezer. The results are pretty hopeful!

Tucked in the back of my freezer I've found a container of frozen cooked rice (hurrah!) and - coup of coups - a bag of pork that I had wisely marinated a couple of weeks earlier (it had been frozen rather than used because I ran out of time before the due by date rocked along). I've also managed to find a sad, drooping half leek in the vege drawer and there's half a bag of baby spinach - the sole nod to greenery in the house. So, tonight we will be having Hoisin Honeyed Pork with Spinach and leek fried rice sprinkled with crispy garlic and ginger. Not too shabby for a house devoid of food!

Ah, my freezer, we'd be lost without you!

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