Friday 3 December 2010

Larger than Life

Haribo Gold Bears, eat your tiny (but delicious) hearts out. I have a new friend. Or at least, I lust after a new gummi-friend.

Check it out:

I cannot stop thinking about this. It's so very Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (original not creepy J-Depp version). Imagine gnawing on that delicious hunk of candy? Mm. I can feel the sugar shakes now!

What else would be great in giant form? I think all candy appeals (to me at least!) in giant form. I remember going to this amazing chocolate shop with my dear reader in Melbourne (Koko, I believe was the name?) and seeing those enormous bricks of chocolate and thinking, my but it would be good to just get stuck into the whopping great wedge of cocoa. I don't really find the idea of fast food in giant form appealing (giant gross burger anyone? Face-sized slice of pizza? Ooh, though, a giant french fry has some merits...) but a massive Twistee could be interesting. Perhaps this is just a pipe dream best confined to gummi treats.

Clearly Friday-itis has set in.


  1. Yes, Koko Black! I wonder how many mini gummi bears one of these would be equivalent to? ...okay, just looked it up: 1,400!!! Which flavour would you buy?

  2. Hehe, sooo many gummi bears! Hm. I tend to prefer the apple flavour of Haribo but I see that's not an option. Probably blue raspberry...if you're going to ingest that many nutrient-free calories, you might as well get a dose of artificial colour too!

    Yum, Koko Black! Their earl grey choccies. I must learn to make decent home made truffles and experiment with flavours like gingerbread and earl grey. Perhaps that could be a Christmas cookery experiment?!

  3. Mmmm, I still dream of their gingerbread and cinnamon chocolates...

  4. Stop it! We have no treats in the house at all. Fruit is the closest I can come to candy...anguished sob!

    I wonder how you would get gingerbready flavour into a chocolate. Just spices you think?

  5. Well, the Koko Black one had a gingerbread and cinnamon filling, but I suppose you could just add spices to the chocolate too.

    Awesome electrical storm here at the moment. I love summer storms!

  6. Such drama! I love them too though we get precious few here. I love exciting weather.

    I was trying to take photos of the frozen fog here this morning but the damn stuff was really hard to capture (issues of light etc and also issues of frozen digits and toes!). I'll download some later and see if any are worth sharing - so pretty though. All the trees look like they've got winter blossom...thousands of tiny shards of ice like blooms all over them! Truly the work of a white witch :-)

  7. Oh, would love to see those pics!!

  8. Talking of chocolate truffles...

  9. Oh how lovely really good truffles would be right about now...
