Monday 6 December 2010

Uselessness Personified

I couldn't sleep last night. I drifted off to uneasy, bad-dream-filled naps in between bouts of tossing and turning with a feeling of dread and anxiety in my stomach. I'm not even entirely sure why. I am aware that I am worrying about this week's lectures, but that is foolishness because A. they are both only an hour long which is nothing so the time will fly, B. one is on a subject I have already taught this semester and it went well, and C. the other is about a subject that is surely inherent to all of my research (documentary analysis). I have a bunch of other deadlines this week but again, all of this is manageable and shouldn't be freaking me out. For some reason it is. I wonder why some weeks make me immobile with terror and others I'm capable of just powering through. Is foolishness but there seems to be no remedy.

Of course, one remedy might be not to piss away half my day on the internet, yes most certainly. And yet, I am apparently incapable of turning the damn broadband connection off. And so I sit, torn between stomach-turning anxiety about it all, and mindless time wastage. Useless.

Also, I have cooked nothing of interest lately. The lad has decided to try and stop eating so much sugar (which actually is probably a good thing because I think me and my baked goods might have been responsible for him putting on some weight lately and that's not nice for him since he feels bad about it) but that means there's no point in getting all creative in the kitchen because it would basically mean forcing him to eat things that he's really trying hard to avoid and that seems border line abusive! Death by baking. I am yearning for more vanilla fudge myself, but as I have done nothing to deserve treats, I cannot let myself make it.

I suspect I am also fretting about my appointment at the Home Office this week. My temporary visa is about to expire so I'm applying to stay here permanently which I'm perfectly allowed to do and which shouldn't be a problem at all. But for some reason I'm worried that they won't accept that A and I are still a couple and that our 11 year relationship has not been just a ruse to get me into the country. I have passed my 'life in the UK test' and have all the necessary documentation (including a seriously unfortunate passport-sized photo...) so it should all be fine, but there's always just that shred of worry in you which says 'what if they don't accept your application and you have to leave the country forever come December 31 and then you lose your job and all hell breaks loose??!'. I must stop these thoughts...they're giving me a horrible headache.

But, the upside to all this grim introspective ranting is that, once I get through this week, next week is filled largely with only meetings and Christmas parties (one of which is black tie and I now have the cutest Mad-Men vibed dress with which I plan to do the full on 1960s glam thing - elbow length black gloves, pearls and possibly even getting my hair put up) and then I'm off on annual leave until next year. And during the pre-Christmas leave, I will be baking and things will be festive and merry. Roll on the 20th! Ho ho ho.


  1. Oh dear. If it's any consolation, I can totally sympathise with the immobilising terror and concurrent inability to do anything about it. And let me be the voice of reason reassuring you that no matter what, you will survive and not merely survive but shine - because that's what you're made of and you can't help it :-) Your anxiety re: the Home Office is equally understandable (since there is so much riding on it) and equally irrational (after all, you're precisely the sort they want!!). Am totally jealous of your party-filled week ahead and of that awesome outfit you've got planned! Would love to see your dress - what's it like?

  2. Yay, solidarity in numbers. I loathe my inability to progress when I'm feeling like this and I think, too, that I'm probably quite lazy. Because things do tend to work out and I'm nothing if not the Master of the Art of Bullshit, I've never had to deal with full on consequences of my uselessness. That doesn't, of course, mean that I want to deal with them, but I do rather think that my problem is part terror (at being discovered for the fraud that I am!) and a large part of laziness. Sigh. No doubt I'll develop a work ethic at some point (although, if it hasn't happened now, I do wonder if it ever will...).

    Dress is purple - soo not moi usually, but I just love the style! I realise that I should be mocked for this (because I believe I have mocked others similarly), but it's very Betty Draper. Quite a full skirt, tightish bodice and belted. Here is the link although it doesn't look nearly as full there.
    Had it been in another colour, I'd probably have gone for that but why not embrace my inner regal qualities with the purple eh?!

  3. Oh, I LOVE it!! So classy and classic. You should definitely go all out with the hair as well. There are too few occasions to get dressed up these days.

    I reinvented one of my old dresses last weekend - by wearing it backwards! It's a red wrap dress and having the high neck at the front and the open back added a 30s/40s (?) type of glamour to it. Also nice not to have to worry about falling out of the front of it...

  4. Ooh what a great idea! Bet it looked you have pics??

    I'm seriously tempted to go and get my hair curled for the very reason that as you said, there are so few times to really get glitzed up! What I can't decide is just how I feel about fake fur. I will need something to wear going in and home (because it is literally sub-zero here all the time) and faux fur is both all the rage and time-frame appropriate for such a dress. In general I would never consider a fake fur because I'm just not a fan, but there's also the issue of whether fakes lead to real (in the fashion world I mean) and do I want to contribute to that. Always always issues of consumerism to consider! Betty never worried about such things... (of course, she has a whole host of other rather major issues that she's also not dealing with! teehee)

  5. Yeah, I see both the appeal and the practicality of fur/faux fur but I'm on the fake-fur-only-encourages-the-desirability-of-real-fur side of the fence on this one. Betty had it easy!!

  6. Ignorance was definitely bliss! A wrap of some kind will be the alternative...I plan to go accessory shopping this weekend!

    Speaking of Betty and co. - we had the final episode of series 4 here last week (I'm always sad when one of my favourite shows ends for the season!). Series 4 was great! The women have a much bigger (and very interesting) role to play, the use of styling to reflect the broader themes is brilliant and the stories were funny, sad and infuriating. Ah, I'm going to miss it!

  7. I'm so glad to hear that - we're still working our way slowly through the second season. It's comforting to know there's lots more to look forward to and that it's good!

    What about a beautiful cashmere wrap? Mind you, I have absolutely no idea what cashmere costs...

  8. Haha, potentially more than I've got! I'm sure I'll find something though...the shops are full of gorgeous wintery garb!
