Thursday 14 July 2011

I miss proper summer fruit...

So, I bought this packet of apricots at the supermarket on Monday. They were marked down because they were best before Monday but I figured that would mean that they might actually just be ripe, you know? Sure enough when I got them home they were rock solid and miles from ripe. But because they were obviously picked so long ago, they have not ripened at home - instead they have gone bad but have, rather spitefully,  remained unripe. 

How hard is it to leave fruit on the freaking tree until it's actually ready to be picked?! Summer fruit needs sun people - it's the thing that makes it taste good. If you pick it in June, it will not ever get ripe. Ever!!!! It's so annoying. And so wasteful! They pick all this fruit unripe, no one buys it because they know it tastes like crap, so it gets thrown out and wasted and the farmers are all like 'no one is buying our hard grown produce'. Then the supermarkets stop stocking it because people won't buy it and it's this ridiculous vicious circle. 

I miss central Otago apricots and nectarines and peaches and cherries - fruit that actually tastes like the sun has warmed it. 


  1. I hear you sister! Here, at the moment we're obviously enjoying winter fruits. I have access to a backyard orange tree which puts the store bought fruit to shame. The difference between the two (or rather, how we have come to so passively accept the inferior variety) is inexplicable. I still remember home-grown apricots from my childhood. I never by them now - ever - for fear of sullying or forgetting that exquisite flavour and texture.

  2. Yes! Proper summer fruit always has a distinctly reminiscent quality to it, doesn't it!? As soon as you bite into it, you remember being a kid and munching through sweet apricots on hot summer days before heading back out to play with friends or cousins. I need to take a leaf out of your book and just stop trying to achieve a similar outcome with store-bought stuff. Sad though...

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