Tuesday 2 August 2011

My crops and such

Ok, crops is probably a bit of an over-statement. Small backyard plot with a few plants is probably a better description, but the ol' garden is going quite well this year and since it's much too hot for this Celtic-type to even think about cooking, here are some pictures from the garden instead.

I rather like the garden at the moment. It needs to be weeded and if I were any sort of proper gardener then it would very likely need to be mulched too, but I am not a proper gardener, and am also lazy, so it is what it is. But it's lovely out there - all green and growing. There are lots of flying bugs around too - hover flies and butterflies and bees, and cute wee ladybirds quietly munching on any nasty beasts that might try and harm the 'crops'. I'm not usually one for the bugs but it feels like they are all working together out there. I hope that is the case and they're not secret invaders. Things are still growing though so I choose to believe that all is well in the green pastures* of my backyard. 
Tomatoes in the front of pic - two types (one of which is v ugly but hopefully will taste fabulous) , beans and courgettes  growing in the back. Various weeds throughout
This bad boy grew quite literally over-night. Please ignore the obvious signs of weedage.
Delicious toms in a grow-bag. Taking their sweet time about ripening, but now that there's actually some sun, we should be able to pick more than one at a time. Ripen wee tomato - c'mon! 
Courgette blossoms which were duly stuffed and fried last weekend.  A touch too cheesy for my liking - I prefer them in pasta/risotto dishes so you can actually taste the delicate flower
Pickens' from yesterday and today. I picked all the courgettes yesterday and by 3pm today, there were 2 more giant ones to pick. There's actually no room in the fridge because there are already about 5 in there from the weekend! Good job we like 'em I guess, just a shame there aren't more than 2 of us! 

* for green pastures read: weed-ridden crusty dry grass-type substance with small patches of vegetable garden throughout 

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