Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Wedding Cake, Part One (with videos!)

Alrighty. So. I have mentioned that I volunteered to make my best friend's wedding cake for her October wedding a wee while back. I have since done three test runs of different recipes so that we could see which one we liked best, and just to test cooking times etc. In the end, Delia Smith's rich fruit cake won the flavour test, so that's what we've gone with (however, as you will see in one of the following videos, it might not end up being the final one because I have suspicions about whether the depth is going to work out ok. But we'll come to that later). The recipe is here: http://www.deliaonline.com/how-to-cook/baking/scaling-up-cake-recipes.html

So I started out this post just taking photos, but then I thought, the hell with that (and also, I kept getting really messy hands and didn't want to have to keep picking up the camera), so, in a F&F first, I now invite you to watch 3 of possibly the worst videos ever made. So, complete with horrible camera angles and sound, horrendous commentary from me (in which I should have used my 'presenter voice' but didn't), accidental elbow knocking camera over incidents and my delightful double chin, I present to you: 'Mixing the Cake' (which includes some transcripted bits below because my accent is just That Bad), 'Filling the Tin' and 'Nyx Says Goodbye'. Spot Nyx in the final shot of the first video AND my humble apologies for her repeated shrieking throughout the first two. I also seem to say glamorous a lot. And departure, rather weirdly. Oh, and my apologies for referring to things in the second one which you can't actually see. I'm not sure cinematography is a strong point of mine.

Enjoy (or something).

Mixing the Cake
Transcripted bit: I was waffling about how much of an arm work-out the mixing process was, which I thought was good since I am wearing a strapless dress to the wedding but then I sort of realise that it's only one arm getting a work out which doesn't seem so useful. I also later comment that I'm sure this is a v glamorous shot of me with my hair frizzing everywhere because it's about a thousand degrees inside. I am prone to exaggeration.)

Filling the Tin

Nyx Says Goodbye

And, in only 5 and a half hours, we'll know if it worked or not! Fingers crossed...


  1. Hooray - our first peek at our beloved Frustrated Feaster!! (or Feasted Frustration?!!) LOVE the videos!! And thanks for keeping it real with the screeching cat, the mess on the floor, the sticky finger and the licking of the batter. That's what we like to see, really!

    What a cheeky little thing Nyx is. Do you know, in the first video at the very end, I seriously thought you also had a penguin in your house. Until it turned into Nyx. At cat. Not a penguin. Are you sure she doesn't have powers of transfiguration?

    Just by the way, your place looks fab. A very cute and seemingly spacious kitchen to play in.

    Does the cake really have to cook for 5.5 hours? Eek! So.... is it time yet? How'd it go? Can't wait for the next installment!

  2. Well...must post update actually! Turns out my suspicions about the height of the cake were correct and it is an inch shy of what we want! BUGGER! I will post an update when I get home...!

    And yes, I believe she does have powers of transfiguration...she's a complete monkey sometimes and looks like a lemur, so I'm not at all surprised that she was also resembling a penguin! Teehee. She is v cheeky. And loud. But lovely...

    Ooh. Videos open up a whole new way of blogging. Things could get messy... :-)

  3. Bugger about the size. What's an inch or two between friends? Could you still use this one as another layer (cut down to size)? All that work...

  4. We're thinking we'll use it as both a trial for me in terms of icing, and also as an extra layer that can be kept in kitchen and cut up for serving. That way they'll have enough to keep top layer for posterity and whatnot. Waste not want not and all that....!
