Monday 13 July 2009

New favourite foodie site...

As with all great discoveries, finding this website was an accident. I was scrolling through the web for nougat recipes (specifically non-American ones which don't contain high fructose corn syrup...ick) and this site came up with a recipe for Torrone (which looks phenomenal and which I will absolutely be making sometime very soon). Anyway, this website is stunning with some of the most gorgeous food photos I've seen, and with wonderful recipes that make my stomach growl just reading them! I hope you enjoy it too - if you make anything from the site (like those beautiful apricot dumplings, for example!), please let me know how it turns out!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This site looks wonderful. I can't wait to start cooking again once we get our kitchen sorted and plan to try all sorts of new things and the sort of things I always think about cooking but never actually get around to doing...

  2. You've got the perfect kitchen to do it all in now! I can't wait to hear about all the delicious treats you start cooking. In fact, your kitchen looks like the perfect kind for setting up a webcam and do your own video blog/diary of your culinary adventures...!?
    It's a gorgeous website, isn't it?!
