I saw this odd looking creature (and his buddies) at a Farmer's Market a week or so back and just had to buy it! It's a celeriac, in case you're unfamiliar, and it's not a vegetable I've ever eaten before - and certainly not one I've ever cooked. But I've been making a concerted effort to try new fruit and vege of late, so the celeriac came home with me. It sat on the bench for quite a while as I really wasn't sure how to approach it, but in the end I went with creamy celeriac soup. Dull, perhaps, but I did want to actually taste the thing. And the outcome? A bit of a revelation, actually! A smooth, creamy, thick soup which smelled strongly of celery but tasted more like a slightly sweet and starchy carrot (I think). Even the lad liked it and he's very much anti-celery! Ugly vege will be on our menu more often I think!
And so to prettier vegetables...
This beautiful bouquet of black and green came from a tiny organic farmer's market in North Wales. It was positively pouring down when we came across the market in a village which consisted of maybe 5 houses, but it was such a lovely community event! It seemed like everyone from all the surrounding villages and farms had come out for the day, regardless of the downpour. I got the biggest carrots I've ever seen (seriously, one would feed 5 people for a week - they grow 'em big in North Wales!) and this bunch of cavalo nero...continuing my voyage of vegetable discovery! So far I've just made myself a potato, crispy onion and garlic (crispy because I got distracted while cooking!) and cavolo nero frittata for lunch which I grilled with chunks of camembert on top after cooking for a while on the stove. Goats cheese would probably work too but I had a camembert, so that's what I used. It was a proper sit-down lunch - the first I've had all week - and I really rather enjoyed it. What next for my bunch of brassica??
Oooh, I love celeriac though I've never cooked it either. It's lovely as mash with fish. What is the flavour of the cavolo nero? It is very pretty indeed! Thank goodness for time to sit and eat at your leisure! Very well deserved after your hectic teaching gigs.
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely to spend time making food just for me and then really meandering over the eating! Nothing I like more...
ReplyDeleteThe cavolo nero is nice - sort of closer in taste to silverbeet/chard, but texturely like savoy cabbage. I'm turning some of it into minestrone for today's lunch. I'm determined to make a minestrone that I like - typically I find it pretty average and I'm sure I should enjoy it more! Are you a fan and do you have any secret tips??
Thanks for the heads-up about celeriac and fish. Next time I see one I'll try that very idea!