Monday 11 May 2009

The first rant, mostly just because I'm cranky!

I'm in a bad mood this morning, because I've been training for this 5km charity run (the first run I've ever decided to do...) I don't traditionally run, ever. Never, in fact, so it's been an effort, although it's an effort I've actually been enjoying. Unfortunately I've pushed myself too hard and am now on 2 days rest, dammit. I strained my ankles and can barely walk, let alone run. Very damned annoying given how much work I've been putting in...and no one to blame but myself. Grrrr! Anyway, all of this has put me in a cranky and irritated mood this fine Monday morning, and I fancied having a rant!! Maybe it'll be cathartic!
So, I have any number of pet peeves when it comes to food and food-related things, and I tend to get on my high-horse pretty easily, I must say. But one thing that really pisses me off is the total lack of ownership people take for their food choices. What in the name of hell is the deal with all this premade, ready-meal bollocks?? Have you seen the rows and rows of ready-made food in the chiller sections of the supermarket?? It terrifies me. I remember reading somewhere that people in 'Western' societies (basically America, the UK and similar) spend the least amount of time and money on food than any other generation. Why do people place so little value on good food??? And why the hell are they so lazy?? I'm sorry, I know people are busy and whatever, but it's just laziness not to at least occasionally make your own food!!! The excuses tend to be that people don't have the time to prepare food themselves (bollocks) and that making food from scratch is harder and more expensive than pre-made stuff(also bollocks). Let's take the example of pre-made frozen pizzas. Actually, the hell with that, let's take the example of frozen pizza bases. You know the kind - pre-made, sometimes pre-sauced bases that presumably people then put their own cheese and toppings on. You're practically cooking already here people, why not just go one tiny step further and make the base yourself?? For god-knows what reason, people think it's some sort of voodoo to be able to make something like a pizza base. In actual fact, with the right recipe and a little bit of practice, you can make 2 homemade family pizzas and have them ready to eat within about half an hour of starting. And if you happened to be super organised, you could even make a couple of bases ahead of time and put them in the freezer so that you have your own 'ready-made' pizzas for next time. The benefit of making them yourself is that for starters, you actually know exactly what is in your food and I think this is just so important!! In pre-bought pizza bases, you've got no idea what the hell kinds of crazy preservatives and additives the manufacturers have thrown into what should be a simple food. But more importantly - especially in these current times of financial challenge - making food yourself is just so much cheaper. Seriously - the recipe below makes 2 large pizza bases for less than a pound (or less than a couple of dollars). I know that I'm pretty time rich at the moment (which could be fortunate, or unfortunate, depending on how much you value having a job!!) but even when I was working full time I still made things like this all the time. In fact, I once went through a phase when I was making not only the pizza bases and tomato sauce from scratch but even the mozzarella (!) I do realise that making fresh cheese will sound entirely like voodoo to most people (it's not at all, but I can recognise it might sound scary), and I'm definitely not advocating that most people do this, but how can people care so little about their own health, financial well-being and frankly their own food enjoyment that they won't even give making home made pizzas a go???? Grrr! The very best thing about the below recipe though, aside from price and the ownership it gives you over such a basic food, is the fact that it tastes infinitely better than any premade cardboardy crap that you'll get from a supermarket freezer section. And eating good food has to surely count for a lot?? Isn't good food worth investing a little bit of time and effort for?? I think so. Hopefully you will too!

Quick Homemade Pizzas
3-3 1/2 cups flour (strong or plain are both fine)
1 1/4 cups warm water
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp yeast
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

In a small bowl, mix water and sugar together. Then sprinkle over yeast, drizzle oil and leave to stand for 5 mins. In a large bowl, mix flour, b.powder and salt together. Make a well in the middle, pour in the yeast mixture, stir to combine then turn the dough onto a lightly floured bench and knead quickly for 2-3 mins. The dough is now ready to be used, although you can leave it for 5-10 mins if you have time. I tend to make it then leave it to rest/prove briefly while I prepare the toppings.
Divide dough into 2 pieces (or more if you want smaller mini pizzas. I think you'll feed 3 adults quite happily with this amount of dough) shape into a pizza circle as large or thick as you like. Place on a greased or baking-paper lined baking tray, top with tomato sauce/puree, cheese and toppings and then bake in a hot oven (preheat to 230deg) for about 15 mins or until cooked.

(you can freeze the bases uncooked and then just take them out of the freezer while your oven is preheating next time you want them).


  1. Hehe, definitely not fasting!!! Too many vege and too many peanut M&Ms...

  2. Good, and glad to see that you've provided today's feast!
