Thursday 7 May 2009

Step 1: Create blog...

...and Step 2 presumably requires me to actually start writing (or blogging as I guess it's called)! Right then, here goes! Welcome to my blog, and thanks for visiting! I've noticed lately that I have been swapping recipes and kitchen tips with friends pretty frequently, so I thought it would be a good idea to perhaps create a place where we could share these things more easily. I feel like I can quite happily talk or write about food and recipes and meals for hours and frankly I love doing that! I hope this blog will bring together other people who like rambling endlessly about the delicious pasta they made for dinner last night, or their perfect loaf of bread that seemed almost too pretty to cut into (and yet smelled too good not to!) Also, I'm basically home all the damn time at the moment (but more about that another time!) and so needed an outlet for all my usual ranting and mindless chattering (I would get a cat to vent to, but fear that leads me down the path of becoming crazy cat lady, and while I'm ok with the crazy part, I think I'm still too young to really embrace the cats-are-people-too path!!).

So there you are! I'm going try to put up either a recipe or food thought or some-such most days (although I should warn you that follow-through and procrastination do tend to be my downfalls, so no yelling if I miss a day!), and let's just see how it goes from there!


  1. Hooray and thank goodness!!! I've been hanging out for you to start this thing. Very excited to follow your daily kitchen adventures and looking forward to more than the odd rant!

  2. Haha, well you can always rely on me for a good rant, you know that! Thanks for the encouragement about doing it!! Did you ever get around to trying those felafel? (I'm thinking that since I don't have any great culinary experiments planned in the next few days, that maybe those recipes will be my first proper posts...)
