Sunday 7 March 2010

Why bother?!

After yesterday's laziness I felt that today I should perhaps put a bit more effort into things. To that end, tonight's main meal was Thai Massaman beef curry made from scratch (including the curry paste, thank you very much!). Well...PAH! The potatoes were meant to go soft and absorb the curry flavours - instead they turned hard and nasty tasting. I misjudged the level of concentration in the tamarind paste and put too much in so the whole thing had a distinctly unpleasant 'twang' and of course, the damn mess caught on the bottom of the pot so all in all, a rather unpleasant meal. My boy was far too polite to say anything negative, but I don't think I'll be so mean as to make him eat the leftovers tomorrow night. So, you see, it just goes to show that making no effort at all really does tend to have a bigger pay off - on all levels!


  1. I have just purchased a book called 'bicarbonate of soda' and there is a section called 'burnt pots'. Currently I have a pot with a large burnt patch of pickles on the bottom. The book says to cover with a thick layer of soda and then sprinkle with enough water to moisten. Leave over night and scrub clean. For less damaged pots let the pan soak in BS and water for 10 mins before cleaning. Good luck.

  2. Thanks! You can imagine how thrilled i was to have to deal with burnt pots on Sunday night...
