Monday 15 November 2010

Catching pots and what-not

As is my normal activity in winter, I've been making soup today so that I'll have delicious lunches for the week and won't have to rely on campus catering facilities. But once again, my damn soup has caught to the bottom of the pot. This happens a lot and it really bugs me! I'm using my lovely Le Creuset, have the temp turned down as low as it can go and have plenty of liquid in the soup. Does anyone know how to stop things sticking/catching to the bottom of the pot?? I'm a fan of char-grilled flavour, for sure, but I wasn't really going for a char-grilled soup flavour. I'm not convinced it'll work...


  1. Sorry, can think of no solutions other than constant stirring and/or leaving those ingredients that tend to catch or thicken the soup (i.e. the legumes?) out until the end. What did you put in your soup?

  2. I used some of that 'soup mix' stuff which has lentils, split peas, barley and other legumes so yeah, it was bound to stick. But those things needed a long time to cook. And I'm soo not one for constant stirring. Even risottos are too much for me in that regard! I shall just have to accept my soups will catch I guess...

  3. Well, I know it involves another pot, but one solution might be to cook or par-cook them separately in loads of water and nothing else.

    What's on the menu tonight?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That's a v wise solution...clearly advice from someone who cooks with legumes a lot! Actually a v simple and sensible solution, thanks!

    Today I'm at work so will get home late so dinner is something I made yesterday. I had a big session last night of cooking several batches of Nigella's turkey meatballs (2 portions of which are now in the fridge for later dinners), plus a double batch of sausage casserole which is also neatly allocated in the freezer. I think tonight it'll be the sausage casserole with gnocchi (which I've recently discovered are a fantastic quick substitute for cooking potatoes!).

    And at Chez Kat?
