Thursday 18 November 2010

Cold Stuff

My currently moustachioed man was last night kidnapped by the F1 faeries who employ him - he didn't make it home until 10pm (which even for him is pretty late). As a result he missed dinner and although I did save it for him, really, eating beef, vege and noodle stirfry with cashews at 10pm seems unnecessary (so he ate toast). This meant that for my lunch today, I had yummy noodly leftovers. Mmm, leftovers. I go through phases - sometimes I loathe the very sight of leftovers lurking in the fridge and would rather have anything but anything else (I'm a creature of diversity, you see. I bore very easily and that includes with food). Other times, though, I love leftovers - and today was one of those days.

I really really love cold noodles. I think the Japanese would support me on this front, but others think I'm mad. I also love cold pizza (because, really, is microwaved reheated pizza ever any good? No. Not even with the elaborate steam dispersal method to stop sogginess employed by my other half. Go cold I say!) and I looove cold pasta. Not in pasta salad form but rather, the bits that you really couldn't bring yourself to dish up into the already piled-high bowls for dinner. I can routinely be found hiding in the kitchen during a tv ad-break, scoffing clumps of cold, sauceless pasta from the pot it was cooked in. Mmm. I do have some limits - I'm not typically a cold rice fan, or a cold potato fan, but otherwise, bring it on.

What do you prefer to eat cold - or are you a 'if it's meant to be warm then warm it' person?


  1. No, cold rice kind of goes all crunchy, doesn't it? But potato, I can handle (unless it's been fried because then you get that cold clagging fatty sensation). The thing I've never been able to come at is cold soups, even - or especially - the ones that are meant to be served cold. It's just weird. Maybe if they called them something else and left the "soup" word out all together it'd work, but cold soup just seems wrong, unfinished and unsatisfying.

  2. Yes!!! Agree completely. I've always felt like embarrased that the idea of cold soup is so wholly unappealing to me, but I can think of few things that seem more wrong!
