Friday, 12 November 2010

Whispers of nothing

I have cooked nothing of interest this week despite being in possession of two new cookbooks (the aforementioned Nigella and Delia's genius tome which includes several pages devoted to the art of boiling an egg. Love it!). My monthly foodie magazine is all Christmassy at the moment which is a pain because A. I don't get to cook anything at Christmas since we spend it at relatives' houses and B. I get a bit Grinch-like if Christmassing starts too soon. So I find myself once again lacking in anything interesting to write about. You'd almost start to wonder why I have what claims to be a 'food blog' in the first place wouldn't you?!

Hm. What food related stuffs can I write about instead? Let's see...I was nearly run off the road by a piece of peanut-butter and banana topped toast (my fault, not the toast's). I ate (or rather, took one bite of and decided against any more) some seriously dubious 'bean salad' at work this week. Oh and some god-awful beige gloop mascarading as mushroom soup. I really need to get organised and start taking my own lunch because the pickings at work are seriously slim (unless you like sandwiches which most of Britain seems to. I, on the other hand, am not a fan at all - stale bread, mangy filling, slightly soggy, triangular packaging - no. Just no.). Ooh, mushroom soup though! That's what I feel like. Yay - inspiration, from a distinctly unlikely source. Must add mushrooms to my grocery delivery order...

And I am embracing my inner carnivore this weekend with some pork ribs to gnaw on while i watch the final F1 race of the season. Total cave-person in me, I admit. And unlikely to be appealing to the vegetarians among us, but I'm afraid I'm a strict omnivore. And they are organic free range pork ribs if it helps. Better that all of the animal is eaten and enjoyed than just the posh bits, surely?!

Are you cooking anything exciting this weekend and can you inspire me beyond my thoughts of fungus and bones?

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