Tuesday 9 November 2010

From the barley to the ridiculous

I dreamt about Twistees the other night.* The weird thing was that the bag of snacks in my dream was actually the bag for Burger Rings** (ie. orange) and the name of the snack was Cheese Balls***, but they actually resembled Cheezels****. Yet I knew them to be Twistees. Weird.

You can't get anything vaguely resembling Twistees here in the UK. They sell things called Cheese puffs but they are singularly revolting and similar to Twistees only in the sense that they are orange. Every now and then (well, to be honest, there are more of the nows than the thens) I get a distinct hankering for Twistees. I suppose that's why I'm dreaming about them. It does seem a distinctly mundane thing to dream about, but there you go. My mind cares not for great philosophies or poetry...for me and my subsconscious, it's all about the fluro-orange corn/cheese snacks.

Your Unrequested Guide to NZ's Scary Snack World
* Corn-based cheese flavoured snack from NZ - and possibly Australia? Slightly bendy shaped sticks of cheesy, crunchy goodness. My favourite crisp/snack. So much the favourite that I now dream of them...
** Corn-based 'burger' flavoured snack from NZ. Shaped like a doughnut. Orange but a less fluro shade than Twistees. Second favourite crisp/snack, although it is certainly a close contest.
*** Balls of corn-based cheese flavoured snacks from NZ. Never really cared for Cheese Balls. Too cheesy I think. Also smelt distinctly nasty. Actually much closer to what they sell masquerading as Twistees here.
**** Doughnut-shaped orangey corn-based cheese flavoured snacks from NZ. Different doughnut shape to the Burger Rings - thicker? Acceptable as snack substitute if Twistees and/or Burger Rings aren't available.


  1. OMG, now I'm hankering for a bag of Twisties, and worst of all, have them at my easy disposal in the vending machine downstairs. I always feel strangely ashamed to be caught purchasing cheap and nasty but intensely satisfying snack foods from the vending machine. Not sure where it comes from, but I do all the same. I also LOVE cheezals, which I only recently rediscovered. I love the way they slowly disintegrate in your mouth. Less of a fan of burger rings though I recall really liking them as a kid. Perhaps it's the "burger" flavour that makes me suspicious of them these days...

    What's your address again? If they'll get through customs, I'll send you some supplies!

  2. Oh, you're making me drool (well, almost. I am at work so have to at least maintain a pretence of civilized behaviour...)! I do like the crunch of Cheezals - they do crunch better than the other varieties. I love the tanginess of burger rings, and being a burger-eater, can safely assure you that their flavour bears no actual resemblance to burgers or any meat product. They actually remind me of vegemite I think - that super savoury flavour. YUM. Stupid UK with its crappy salted snacks.
    I know what you mean about the shame though. Mine is always heightened by the fact that it's impossible to eat any of these chips/snacks without getting orange fingers and a light dusting of orange Twistee dust all over you so everyone knows what you've been doing. Oh the shame...the delicious, crunchy shame!

    You don't need to send me things, though that's a v sweet offer! I'll just make a piglet of myself...

  3. P.S - I'm so glad that you have the same snacks in Australia! I'm sick of no one understanding my cultural references over here...sigh...
