Wednesday 12 May 2010

And also

I'm feeling incredibly smug about my balcony garden success at the moment. My salad potatoes (I think the variety was Swift?) are nearly flowering and look so healthy! I have absolutely no bloody idea whether healthy foliage in a potato plant correlates to the actual production of tubers, but I remain ever-hopeful!

The other plants (aside from my magic beans which remain magic...I expect to find a giant at the top any day now) are all looking a bit sad and disgruntled but frankly I'm looking much the same. We had SNOW flurries here yesterday, folks. SNOW. Not much, and granted it didn't stick around, but it is still cold enough in mid-May for freaking snow. My wee botanic babies can't wait to move south to Toaster (and nor can I!).


  1. Whoaw that blog looks very professional and delicious!

  2. Not sure about professional...I tend to be fairly unprofessional in most facets of my life, but that's half the fun :-) Welcome to my web-world of madness...
