Thursday 13 May 2010

And's been a ranting kind of day. I think I'm tired..

FYI, university students of North-East England, "A scene shows her sat in a chair" is not grammatically correct. At all. It's not even close. And just because you all choose to speak that way doesn't make it grammatically correct. It certainly doesn't give you licence to bring that appalling use of language into your damn essay writing! "A scene shows her sitting in a chair", dammit. SITTING!!!!

I mean for christ's sake. This is primary school shit isn't it?!


I need a drink. You might find me "sat here" with a beer in my hand very soon.


  1. Haha, the image of you sat in a chair with a beer and a pile of bad essays has got me giggling!

  2. I was watching the F1 last night and the BBC commentator said, "If you're sat up in the grandstands..."!! What hope do I have of convincing students their grammar is incorrect when the Beeb doesn't even adhere to the appropriate standards!

    Bring on the beer and the marking!
