Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Day ?? Smoked Salmon "Carbonara"

This post comes with an apology to all Italians and all of those who feel strongly about not destroying the culinary heritage of such a proud food nation. I have forgotten entirely what we ate the past few days, but I do remember Sunday night's almost-no-cook meal, so thought I'd post it. It's a sort-of carbonara but it's bastardised beyond all recognition from the original, and for that I'm sorry. I love proper carbonara, made with salty dry-cured organic no-nitrates bacon (I prefer bacon to pancetta, I've discovered after much trial and error), eggs and parmesan with nothing more added than some black pepper and sea salt. This is nothing like that. But it's delicious and quick and the only cooking involved is boiling the pasta (which, when you are working on renovating your kitchen until 9pm without realising the time or the fact you haven't eaten is just what you need!). Here 'tis...

Smoked Salmon Almost Carbonara
Serves 2

250g pasta, cooked according to packet
2 eggs
2 tbsp creme fraiche (or double cream)
handful of grated fresh parmesan
100-120g smoked salmon
1-2 chopped spring onions
100g fresh spinach
1/2 cup broccoli
Black pepper and salt

Add chopped broccoli to the pot the pasta is cooking in - it needs about 3-4 mins.
In a small bowl, beat together the eggs, creme fraiche and parmesan with a good grinding of black pepper. Add spring onions and tear the smoked salmon into small pieces - mixing this in.
Before draining pasta, reserve half a cup of the cooking water.
Drain pasta and return to pot (don't put pot back on stove - put it on a chopping board or similar). Add 1/4c of the cooking water, and the egg mixture, plus the spinach. Mix everything together. If it looks dry, add a bit more cooking water. Stir again then put the lid back on and leave for 1-2 mins. Stir, add more black pepper and salt if it needs it. Serve with a crapload more grated parmesan and enjoy. 

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