Saturday, 26 January 2013


The tiles are down, the walls have been plastered and are ready to paint, all broken bricks and other structural problems are fixed, the lead pipe issue has been (expensively) resolved, the new kitchen has been delivered and is ready for construction/installation. Now, if I could only eat or drink, it would all be worth it.

I need to mention here that I'm not as useless as this blog would have you believe. I didn't just forget to keep posting this week...I haven't really been able to eat or drink most of the week (tiny but excruciatingly painful nibbles, sips and slurps here and there - sufficient to keep me mostly functional). So, in light of that, there didn't really seem much point in writing about food or cooking.

I have developed an oesophogeal ulcer which is just about as much fun as it sounds. It's a reaction to some antibiotics I was taking, but sadly it's not an easy fix. Essentially, I have mild to moderate pain in my chest most of the time, which becomes extreme whenever I try to eat or drink (or take a deep breath). It's also involved throwing up and generally feeling like complete shit. And I'm HUNGRY! Gargh. How utterly cruel that we are in the process of installing a new and fabulous kitchen when I CAN'T EAT. What I would do for a piece of bread right now...

Anyway, this is my 'sick note' and a promise that once I can, you know, swallow again, I shall regale you with tales of convalescent foods and the plans I have for when I can eat properly. Something to look forward to! In the meantime, I have a jelly cup with my name on it...

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